Maroon Theater Curtains with giant Snowmen, Movie Snacks, Film, Theater Tickets, Candy Canes and the text "December Prime Time"

The vote is IN!

K-4 Students voted on the next Prime Time movie using their iPads.
  1. Santa Paws 2 WON with 45% of the votes.
  2. Arthur's Christmas had 27% of the votes.
  3. Norm of the North had 28% of the votes.

The next Prime Time will be December 16th from 3:30 - 5:30 PM.
Ticket Price $1.00 with Concessions Available - please send no more than $5.00 with your student!  All proceeds will go to CGS Projects. 

Permissions slips are available in English and Spanish.

Tickets must be purchased no later than Monday, December 12th.

It's a big month, so check out the CGS Newsletter for more info
