Sprinkle Doughnut on the left hand side with text "Bring in the dough COIN CHALLENGE WINNER"

Colby, Kan.– Sacred Heart Catholic School, Colby Grade School, and Heartland Christian School recently competed in Western State Bank’s “Bring in the Dough Coin Challenge.” The challenge served as a fundraiser for the schools while helping bring more coins back into circulation.

Colby Grade School won first place with a total of $1,699.42 in coins.

Each school will receive a check for the total amount raised, and Colby Grade School will also receive a donation from Western State Bank. The winning grade level in each school will receive a donut party, with donuts delivered by bank employees.  Colby Grade School's grade level winner was Kindergarten, with Mrs. Saddler's class earning the extra incentive of a pizza party with Mrs. Stapp, Colby PreK-8 Assistant Principal.

In all, the fundraiser brought $3,182.17 worth of coins back into local circulation, and, with the bank’s donation and cash donations, $3,511.17 went back to local schools.

For more information about the Coin Challenge, contact Western State Bank Mortgage Loan Officer Maureen Schwarz at mschwarz@wsbks.com, or Colby Banking Center President J.L. Evins at jlevins@wsbks.com.