Homecoming is coming!
Spirit Week starts Monday, September 12th - Friday, September 16th, and all schools are participating this year. Help your student be a part of the fun!
Colby Grade School (Pre-K through 4th Grades)
- Monday: Make it Patriotic Monday - Red, white, and blue! Eagles, we love you!
- Tuesday: Favorite Sports Team Day - Wear your favorite team jersey or t'shirt!
- Wednesday: Workout Wednesday - Show off your workout gear!
- Thursday: Mismatch Day - Let's do our learning in our craziest clothes!
- Friday: Eagle Spirit Day - Wear your orange & black to show your school spirit!
Colby Middle School (5th - 8th Grades)
- Monday: Pajama Day
- Tuesday: Favorite Sport Team Day
- Wednesday: Hawaiian Day
- Thursday: Mismatch Clothes Day
- Friday: Eagle Spirit Day
Colby High School (9th - 12th Grades)
- Monday: Neon Blast - Wear your best and brightest NEON colors!
- Tuesday: Movies on the Moon - Represent your favorite space movie/tv character
- Wednesday: Planet Color Day
- Freshman: Saturn - Yellow
- Sophomores: Neptune - Blue
- Juniors: Earth - Green
- Seniors: Mars - Red
- Staff: Stars & Sky - Black & White
- Thursday: Little Miss/Mr. Liftoff
- Friday: Eagle Spirit Day