Filled in bubble answer Key with a pencil on top and the text "Tuesday, February 27th ACT Testing for ALL Juniors Colby High School"

Colby High School Juniors will be taking the ACT on Tuesday, February 27th as a part of our state and district testing.  This enables each student to have access to a free ACT.

Students will be testing at the Colby Event Center, and they will be bussed over.

Please help your student:

  • Bring a calculator if your student has one - phones are not allowed
    (Read the ACT Calculator policy here.)

  • Bring a water bottle

  • Get a good night's sleep on Monday, February 26th

  • Eat a good breakfast (or eat a school breakfast)

  • Arrive at school a little early - testing starts shortly after 8:00 am.

Questions? Email Amy Rosales at
